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so frustrated on the prefect mix of point, damn i am here for fun not to get angry, i deleting it ....

(1 edit)

What got you that frustrated??


i think he mean is to unlock or trigger  a event/scene, player must reach high point (charisma,strength,agility,etc....) 

and it's impossible to unlock all cutscene in 1 save load

Yeah, part 2 will not force the player to reboot.


I like the idea, but the game is pretty stat reliant and you need to get a perfect mix to get all the scenes, but it is still pretty good but not for me

Can you get someone to proofread the text?

Like i said, i have a discord to help me with that... But up to now there was no feedback... If things keep going fine, i´ll probably hire someone to fix all the grammatical horrors.

That's great to know since I enjoyed the part of the game I did play.

Yeah, my english is not that good, and i know that a goo writing helps a lot... I will have to look for a pro service.

how do i pass when you "molest" Lilly for the first time? 

Are you going to allow us to name the main character at some point?

It was possible at the beginning, but then i changed it... I didn´t thought it was an important feature....

looking good, well i'll wait the free 0.5 for testing it.

Thanks!, I´ll have the next version really soon, and then set the 0.5 free.

ok so you have 0.6 out and still have not set 0.5 to free ?????? did you forget

I´ll release 0.5 when the part 2 is launched, should be this or next weekend for sure. I was about to release something last weekend, but i was asked for more content.

well then when something like that happens why not do a small update post. and why say o.6 was released to patrons as well?

Show post...

Would you like some assistance with the English?  I don't mind correcting it for you.  The game is great, overall.

Yeah for sure!, I have a discord with a channel dedicated to that... Sadly it´s empty hehe.


What's the cheat code?


The cheat codes are for patrons, to make the game easier!


It's an alright game but the English needs to be spell checked.

So there is no english version?

(1 edit) (+2)

Game is in english 100% it´s also 90% spanish translated

You can change the language in the game-->preferences


Version 0.6.0 Released!!!!  But only for patrons.... But it will be available for all in a few days!!!

Version 0.4.0 Free for all since today!

Version 05. Released!!!! But only for patrons.... But it will be available for all in a few days!!!

well a month is not a few days

Version 04. Released!!!! But only for patrons.... But it will be available for all in a few days!!!


looking good 

Thanks man! 


Hey guys!!!! New version!!!! 

Hey there, im still here full working on the game... I´ve done a few events to update, and i think i might have a new version this weekend!


First game version is here now!!! Remember is NTFW (Not safe for work).


I have the first playable version of the game ready, im just finishing the translation to english, i guess i´ll have it on MONDAY!!!, its been a long month since i started, but this going live... Im excited, and hope it works fine, and you guys doesn´t hate it xD. PS: I may finish it on sunday, but i cant promise anything.

Yeah, i know, nobody is actually reading this, but maybe in the future someone will. I finally ended all the CGs of the game, i know they look a bit crappy now, but after like 3 weeks of 14h/day making them, its a big goal. Im starting now to work in the first Beta or alpha version of the game, i think i will have something in a few days. This project started like 1 month ago, im fully focusing on this, but in 10 days im going back to work, and i wont have that much time, but im still going to focus in my free time.


Hey! someone is here! xD



Amelie of the Day

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