hey! great game btw really enjoyed it, i just got the the part after the tournament and the game ends, is this all for the time being? will it continue in genex 2?
How long is your game, I've player for a while now and it's seems like it's never end. Just wanna know how many chapters and on average the time consumed to finish the game
First off I bought the game some time ago and I finished it and I absolutely love the game and the characters are interesting both in design and characteristics the combat is fun and unique however the only thing i hate is that the combat command buttons are so small especially for android so if could enlarge then a little or come up with a new UI for Part 2 I'd gladly pay more than 10 for part 2
Scrolling through the comments and seeing the other games you made, I'm definitely interested now if there's gonna be a sequel, + the fact you made other games with stories and 2 of them are complete, Imma slowly but surely check all these games out when I can
This is getting exciting, after finishing the story of genex love. that story has just stayed with me reboot love i love how you have a character similar to Koneko from highschool DXD I love it how you got her personality 100% on the dot I love her saying her famous line and calling mc a pervert I can't wait for the return of genex love 2 it's going to be mega awesome, rebootlove waiting patiently for update is like waiting for your favorite anime to release it's next season that's how I feel about the games you created sorry for chatting to much reboot love 😔 I guess im just super excited woo hoo 🥳🎉
i have a question about how transfer between games wil go i have a true hero antihero and villian campian wil i be able to port al 3 or only the last one i completed
ps how many pionts do you need on the true hero path to be able to do it i did take just the hero phat when i first met ginger becouse i thought that on true hero i would not be able to steel her power
You will only be able to "port" or transfer one campaign at a time, specifically the last one that you load and export. Here's how it works:
After finishing a campaign in GNX1 (whether it's the True Hero, Antihero, or Villain campaign), you can export the data for that specific run.
Once the data export is successful, open GNX2 and load the data from GNX1.
After the data is loaded in GNX2, save it in the new game.
To transfer your other campaigns, simply repeat this process:
Load another campaign in GNX1 (for example, your Antihero campaign).
Export the data.
Open GNX2, load the new data, and save it again.
This way, you can transfer all your runs (True Hero, Antihero, and Villain) into GNX2, but they will need to be saved in separate save files. Each run needs to be ported individually.
About how many points for true hero, it's probably going to be all or all but 1 or 2 choices to get true hero, but it's still not decided.
Overall a good game, my only wish is that the "menace meter" didn't fill, or at least filled slower during the woods event. I started it with like, 30% on the meter, finished the event, and then got a game over because it raided to 100%. I don't know if it is fair to get a game over immediately after finishing the event because it wasn't possible to lower it. Other than that, really good.
Haven't finished the game yet but man first impression this was really good some of my friends recommend me this game they said it was good and when I played it I didn't expect that this would be good.
I mean the story is just so good bro I got an eye for the girls like jennika,lynx,lisha,Kate,rei and even yui plus no bugs or any problems that I'm experiencing from the game so far I'm using Android btw anyways man I just can't wait for genex part 2 even if I haven't finished the game yet I'm eager to wait patiently for it and plus everything is just so good I can't explain it quietly but all I have to say I would count this in my top idk maybe one of the favs avn I played plus fck I'm sorry if I'm rushing you to release genex part 2 and plus I know that your other game rebootlove is still in development and still I can't wait to play genex 2 but I'll wait and maybe I'll play rebootlove while waiting I mean ya game is good and probably rebootlove is good too I mean you made it so ye not trying to offend like what I mean is ya game is good as in very better than good❤️🔥.
Anytime bro I thank my friend for recommending this game and I also thank you and give the credits ya created this game and I fckin loved it just here supporting ya in ya'r work man🫂🔥
If I understand correctly you did two 5$ payments and you still can't download the game. That's because Itchio doesn't "cumulate" payments, to get the 10$ you must make a 10$ payment. If you give me your mail, I can check for the payments and try to refund it.
The 'Its done' part of the description applies to Genex Love Part 1, which is complete.
The 'Wait for update' applies to Genex Love Part 2, which is still in Development.
If the Dev does the same thing he did with Reboot Love there will be a separate page for Genex Love Part 2. They will be treated as two separate AVNs and there will be a link on this page that will take you to the other one.
got a lil sad when i couldnt find genex love 2. but now i see the comms, and feeling much better. the best novel i played so far. keep it up bro, cant wait to see the 2nd part of the story
Hey I know you didnt ask me but since I can answer this question I dont see why I shouldnt. Maybe it'll save you some time.
Only the 0.3.5 version is free. The 0.9.96 version must be paid for... for now. I believe the Dev has stated that once he has released Genex Love part 2 he will make part 1 free to play. He has not stated exactly when that will be though.
I would not be surprised if RebootLove waited a little while after Part 2 was released before making part 1 free.
Welp, just finished it, and I'm pissed, how am i supposed to enjoy any other stories now?? Honestly my highest possible praise and 10/10 for this one, worth every penny and so much more.
Hi, I'd like to rejoin Discord, but my old account was hacked and banned, so I had to delete it permanently. Is there any possibility that the admin could remove the ban and allow my new account to join? Since my old account has been permanently deleted, perhaps the admin could try to remove the ban from deleted accounts.
It is and I genuinely believe it to be the best eroge game of this style that I have ever played. The story is captivating. All the characters are very good in their own way and they fulfill the purpose expected of them very well. Erick is my favorite character. I really love this game. 100/10
Why did you make the Gym fight so incredibly hard? No Matter how often i try or how i manage my stats beforehand, i Always have a fixed amount of HP and ENG, which leads to guar-anteed death. I Dont want to Switch to easy Mode but it seems Like the Game is forcing me to. Its really a great Game and i Had No Trouble beating hard Fights on the map, but this Fight Always ends Up in the Main Menu, since you cannot use Energy Packs or HP Packs Düring the Fight. Any Tips?
If you really don't want to switch to easy mode, maybe you should go back a few days and try leveling up other stats or abilities in order to win that fight.
I can tell they are shorts in the later days of Genex 1, but through most part of that game, it's a diaper. With shorts\boxers, the legs are longer than the crotch. With briefs, yeah, the fabric covering the crotch does hang down lower than the fabric on the legs, but the fabric and cut of briefs are different than diapers. This is what your man was wearing, based on the fabric style, and the cut of the padding in the crotch.
If you mean Genex Love Part 1, the Dev says it will go free once he releases Part 2. I have no idea how long after though.
If you mean when Genex Love is totally finished then not only do I doubt that a completed Genex Love will be totally free, who knows how long the story will be. Could be years and years before we get to that. I mean what if he does a part 3?
Either way, he is an artist and he deserves to be paid for his art. The real question is how much he should be paid...
Hmmm I dont agree with that. Essentially this is a book with pictures, those usually dont cost all that much, according to a quick search its from $13.95 to $17.95 although I'm not sure if thats USD or AUD.
If I were supporting any Devs on Patreon I'd be annoyed at it taking so damned long for each release because I'd be paying way to much for what amounts to a picture book.
THanks for the info man I was gonna buy the full version of it but It's said there I need to put my address and ya know the other stuff privacy but yeah probably the dev will released the full version of it once he finished genex part 2 of it I really loved this game tbh this will be count as one of my fav avns
The incomplete ver. or demo is a mess. Crashes so often, and that is the worst thing on a phone in my experience. The big problem from that is the loss of progress and having to repeat fights.
Played on computer and it worked fine.
I don't think the 9.96 ver. would be qualified as finished though. That version seems to still have some spelling errors. So maybe if the Part 2 shows up, this will get a Remaster. Some finishing touches or something. So besides that picky remark, I had fun playing the game.
I would like to see the Android version get fixed or patched so it doesn't crash. I have two different phones and neither prevented a crash, if that's even the right way to describe it, a game spontaneously blacking out then closing. The computer ver. worked fine so it may just need some adjusting.
The game's story is fun but feels like it's rushing me on to the end of the story and forcing me to make decisions that lead to, for me, to many close calls. The most recent memory that still gives a heart attack is the moment that I am told I need 500 by the end of the month, that made me focus on making money more which took from my fights and training. On Android this drove me crazy, because the crashes would occur more near the later parts. To much stress.
Personally I did not come into playing this game expecting it to give me so much choice, the only thing I don't agree with is the Antihero stuff, because that should most times be just called a Villain's choice. They give us the choice to NTR and force yourself on others in way that really doesn't match most Antiheros and they are generally not known to force themselves on anyone. Anti-hero stuff for me definitely revolves around killing when a hero would just live and let live, but seriously no hero not even an Anti would do what I was offered in a decision.
So aside from the Android having seriously bad crashes, the game is fun on computer. My only problem with this game was the NTR and general messed up or genuinely immoral stuff. Just so you know, I am fine with kinks, but that stuff enrages me.
I rate the game 4 out of 5 in it's entirety. But the Android Demo needs fixing badly. I'm actually scared to buy the 9.96 ver. on Android because of how bad it was.
So Rebootlove, great job with the game. You definitely know how to make a fun one. Just please try to work on the Android version a bit more please? It really needs it. Also sorry for this ridiculously long comment.
Genex Love is a great game. I just want to play it on Android when I am on trips.
The reason I even have two phones was in two parts, I needed to get a new one to keep up with the times, and I thought getting a phone with more memory and whatever else would make it easier to play these types of games. This is only recently been a problem, so I honestly don't know if the game and my phones specifically don't get along or if there is something off with the Android version.
"Last time I checked, it worked well on my Galaxy S9 (a 6-year-old phone; yeah, I take care of my phone, and getting a new one is expensive down here). Most players shouldn't have any problems playing the game. Many of them use 'Joiplay,' though I'm not familiar with how it performs. But yeah, most players won't have issues, so it's probably just your two unlucky phones."
← Return to game
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is shin just sinon from sao or am I trippin
hey! great game btw really enjoyed it, i just got the the part after the tournament and the game ends, is this all for the time being? will it continue in genex 2?
Yes, the latest free version ends there.
Is 2 love genex the part 2? If it is when will it be put for free?
I played the free version about a year ago and knew I had to get the complete version as it was finished.
Happy to support this game and developer and I'll be sure to keep an eye out for part two.
How long is your game, I've player for a while now and it's seems like it's never end. Just wanna know how many chapters and on average the time consumed to finish the game
i just finished the first half it goes to day 70
The Girl in the first pic way above in the left side looks like flora from winx club, as I see it first...
First off I bought the game some time ago and I finished it and I absolutely love the game and the characters are interesting both in design and characteristics the combat is fun and unique however the only thing i hate is that the combat command buttons are so small especially for android so if could enlarge then a little or come up with a new UI for Part 2 I'd gladly pay more than 10 for part 2
Probably your best work hands down. Loving the game and how long it is! Very excited for part 2, keep up the fantastic work. Easily worth $10
Will the full version of the game be released for free in the future?
I gotta ask is part 2 gonna continue where part one leaves off?
Yes. Part 2 is coming soon
Scrolling through the comments and seeing the other games you made, I'm definitely interested now if there's gonna be a sequel, + the fact you made other games with stories and 2 of them are complete, Imma slowly but surely check all these games out when I can
is their impregnation
not in 1
whit the secend instalment coming closer and closer if you whant to replay here are three tips warning very small gamplay spoilers
1 always go for the hardest dificulty when fighten it gives more exp and lowers more of the thread so you save time
2 build the libary first saves a lot of time
3 durning the tournament exept for the fat guy and electic girl you can use hit and stun to beat whiteaut the need to for energie and lose of live
ps. to rebootlove if you want i will delete this no need to report if you don t whant me to give these tips
This game definitely needs a remake in the future. Only thing holding this one back was it story but everything else was pretty fire
How far along is Genex Love pt 2? When is it coming??!!!!
Working on it.
Any day now.
This is getting exciting, after finishing the story of genex love. that story has just stayed with me reboot love i love how you have a character similar to Koneko from highschool DXD I love it how you got her personality 100% on the dot I love her saying her famous line and calling mc a pervert I can't wait for the return of genex love 2 it's going to be mega awesome, rebootlove waiting patiently for update is like waiting for your favorite anime to release it's next season that's how I feel about the games you created sorry for chatting to much reboot love 😔 I guess im just super excited woo hoo 🥳🎉
Thanks, super soon!
i have a question about how transfer between games wil go i have a true hero antihero and villian campian wil i be able to port al 3 or only the last one i completed
ps how many pionts do you need on the true hero path to be able to do it i did take just the hero phat when i first met ginger becouse i thought that on true hero i would not be able to steel her power
You will only be able to "port" or transfer one campaign at a time, specifically the last one that you load and export. Here's how it works:
This way, you can transfer all your runs (True Hero, Antihero, and Villain) into GNX2, but they will need to be saved in separate save files. Each run needs to be ported individually.
About how many points for true hero, it's probably going to be all or all but 1 or 2 choices to get true hero, but it's still not decided.
thanks for the information cant wait for GNX2
Overall a good game, my only wish is that the "menace meter" didn't fill, or at least filled slower during the woods event. I started it with like, 30% on the meter, finished the event, and then got a game over because it raided to 100%. I don't know if it is fair to get a game over immediately after finishing the event because it wasn't possible to lower it. Other than that, really good.
Woods you mean the trip? I thought I fix that making it max 90% or something like that.
how do i get hearts?
by making your girls make it in the prison after you tame them i think whinter gives a bonus
Haven't finished the game yet but man first impression this was really good some of my friends recommend me this game they said it was good and when I played it I didn't expect that this would be good.
I mean the story is just so good bro I got an eye for the girls like jennika,lynx,lisha,Kate,rei and even yui plus no bugs or any problems that I'm experiencing from the game so far I'm using Android btw anyways man I just can't wait for genex part 2 even if I haven't finished the game yet I'm eager to wait patiently for it and plus everything is just so good I can't explain it quietly but all I have to say I would count this in my top idk maybe one of the favs avn I played plus fck I'm sorry if I'm rushing you to release genex part 2 and plus I know that your other game rebootlove is still in development and still I can't wait to play genex 2 but I'll wait and maybe I'll play rebootlove while waiting I mean ya game is good and probably rebootlove is good too I mean you made it so ye not trying to offend like what I mean is ya game is good as in very better than good❤️🔥.
Thanks for the words man, I'm working on it atm!
Anytime bro I thank my friend for recommending this game and I also thank you and give the credits ya created this game and I fckin loved it just here supporting ya in ya'r work man🫂🔥
I donated 10 dollars but i can't download the full version
help please, I would love to play the full version now
You can't download 0.9.96?
No, I was not reading correctly and assumed the 5 dollars that was the standard price that popped up was the price.
Then I read 10 was the price for the full game so I made a second donation for 5 dollar.
Since that didn't unlock the full game either I decided to ask for your help.
Sorry for being a pain but is there something you can advice me to do to get my purchase in this case ?
And great game btw, I played it a few months ago(free) and knew I had to pick it up
Happy to support your great work.
If I understand correctly you did two 5$ payments and you still can't download the game. That's because Itchio doesn't "cumulate" payments, to get the 10$ you must make a 10$ payment. If you give me your mail, I can check for the payments and try to refund it.
I deleted your post since I already did ask for the refund, the mail is no longer needed. I hope we have some news soon.
and btw im doomed i cant enjoy any other nsfw game now ;-;
im a little confused the game discription said its done but its says wait for update?????? am i missing something
The 'Its done' part of the description applies to Genex Love Part 1, which is complete.
The 'Wait for update' applies to Genex Love Part 2, which is still in Development.
If the Dev does the same thing he did with Reboot Love there will be a separate page for Genex Love Part 2. They will be treated as two separate AVNs and there will be a link on this page that will take you to the other one.
Just like he did for Reboot Love parts 1 and 2.
oops thanks for the info
All good.
got a lil sad when i couldnt find genex love 2.
but now i see the comms, and feeling much better. the best novel i played so far.
keep it up bro, cant wait to see the 2nd part of the story
When is genex love 2 comin out. Love this too much to wait a whole year
I'm working on it.
It has no translation so far.
Hey rebootlove the android downloaded version said it is 0.3.5 not 0.9.96, can you update that please? Or is 0.9.96 locked behind the pay wall?
Hey I know you didnt ask me but since I can answer this question I dont see why I shouldnt. Maybe it'll save you some time.
Only the 0.3.5 version is free. The 0.9.96 version must be paid for... for now. I believe the Dev has stated that once he has released Genex Love part 2 he will make part 1 free to play. He has not stated exactly when that will be though.
I would not be surprised if RebootLove waited a little while after Part 2 was released before making part 1 free.
Darn. Love the game though
I really enjoyed this game. Its just a good game. Cant wait for part 2
How do i get hints for the girls?
Welp, just finished it, and I'm pissed, how am i supposed to enjoy any other stories now?? Honestly my highest possible praise and 10/10 for this one, worth every penny and so much more.
You should try "Secret Island"
Hi, I'd like to rejoin Discord, but my old account was hacked and banned, so I had to delete it permanently. Is there any possibility that the admin could remove the ban and allow my new account to join? Since my old account has been permanently deleted, perhaps the admin could try to remove the ban from deleted accounts.
What's the acc's name?
Since the banned account has been permanently deleted, it might be labeled as a 'deleted account'.
Then how can we un-ban a deleted account, you should make a new one and join again.
I've been IP banned. Can you unban my deleted account? I've unbanned similar accounts before.
Discord doesn't have that feature I believe. There's a lot of deleted users banned that came back with another acc.
It is and I genuinely believe it to be the best eroge game of this style that I have ever played. The story is captivating. All the characters are very good in their own way and they fulfill the purpose expected of them very well. Erick is my favorite character. I really love this game. 100/10
Thanks for the kind words! Hoping to keep giving more and more!
Why did you make the Gym fight so incredibly hard? No Matter how often i try or how i manage my stats beforehand, i Always have a fixed amount of HP and ENG, which leads to guar-anteed death. I Dont want to Switch to easy Mode but it seems Like the Game is forcing me to. Its really a great Game and i Had No Trouble beating hard Fights on the map, but this Fight Always ends Up in the Main Menu, since you cannot use Energy Packs or HP Packs Düring the Fight. Any Tips?
If you really don't want to switch to easy mode, maybe you should go back a few days and try leveling up other stats or abilities in order to win that fight.
It's probably a -your pc problem-. I can't recall others complaining about this.
Why is the MC of Genex 1 wearing a diaper during times he's in his bed?
No diapers, shorts.
I can tell they are shorts in the later days of Genex 1, but through most part of that game, it's a diaper.

With shorts\boxers, the legs are longer than the crotch.
With briefs, yeah, the fabric covering the crotch does hang down lower than the fabric on the legs, but the fabric and cut of briefs are different than diapers.
This is what your man was wearing, based on the fabric style, and the cut of the padding in the crotch.
Hey, is there a way to buy the full version without putting your real Name and Billing adress Here?
I'm not sure, I don't think so.
Please release the finished version for free
If you mean Genex Love Part 1, the Dev says it will go free once he releases Part 2. I have no idea how long after though.
If you mean when Genex Love is totally finished then not only do I doubt that a completed Genex Love will be totally free, who knows how long the story will be. Could be years and years before we get to that. I mean what if he does a part 3?
Either way, he is an artist and he deserves to be paid for his art. The real question is how much he should be paid...
I don't know how much but honestly anything under a full priced game on console would be theft. The game is by far the best of it's kind.
Hmmm I dont agree with that. Essentially this is a book with pictures, those usually dont cost all that much, according to a quick search its from $13.95 to $17.95 although I'm not sure if thats USD or AUD.
If I were supporting any Devs on Patreon I'd be annoyed at it taking so damned long for each release because I'd be paying way to much for what amounts to a picture book.
Fortunately I am not using Patreon.
THanks for the info man I was gonna buy the full version of it but It's said there I need to put my address and ya know the other stuff privacy but yeah probably the dev will released the full version of it once he finished genex part 2 of it I really loved this game tbh this will be count as one of my fav avns
Story progress quite a lot in early chap while the later is mostly mc fucking around. Part2 gotta be big then.
Is there gonna be any updates on any of the games or sequels? I love the story but i havent seen any updates in like almost a year
Latest version was released december 23 so... I'm working on GNX2 at the moment, hoping to have something to show in a month or two.
thats actually soon i hope im not causing trouble or sounding like i want to rush or anything gl on the progress
Just finished the game on Android.
The incomplete ver. or demo is a mess. Crashes so often, and that is the worst thing on a phone in my experience. The big problem from that is the loss of progress and having to repeat fights.
Played on computer and it worked fine.
I don't think the 9.96 ver. would be qualified as finished though. That version seems to still have some spelling errors. So maybe if the Part 2 shows up, this will get a Remaster. Some finishing touches or something. So besides that picky remark, I had fun playing the game.
I would like to see the Android version get fixed or patched so it doesn't crash. I have two different phones and neither prevented a crash, if that's even the right way to describe it, a game spontaneously blacking out then closing. The computer ver. worked fine so it may just need some adjusting.
The game's story is fun but feels like it's rushing me on to the end of the story and forcing me to make decisions that lead to, for me, to many close calls. The most recent memory that still gives a heart attack is the moment that I am told I need 500 by the end of the month, that made me focus on making money more which took from my fights and training. On Android this drove me crazy, because the crashes would occur more near the later parts. To much stress.
Personally I did not come into playing this game expecting it to give me so much choice, the only thing I don't agree with is the Antihero stuff, because that should most times be just called a Villain's choice. They give us the choice to NTR and force yourself on others in way that really doesn't match most Antiheros and they are generally not known to force themselves on anyone. Anti-hero stuff for me definitely revolves around killing when a hero would just live and let live, but seriously no hero not even an Anti would do what I was offered in a decision.
So aside from the Android having seriously bad crashes, the game is fun on computer. My only problem with this game was the NTR and general messed up or genuinely immoral stuff. Just so you know, I am fine with kinks, but that stuff enrages me.
I rate the game 4 out of 5 in it's entirety. But the Android Demo needs fixing badly. I'm actually scared to buy the 9.96 ver. on Android because of how bad it was.
So Rebootlove, great job with the game. You definitely know how to make a fun one. Just please try to work on the Android version a bit more please? It really needs it. Also sorry for this ridiculously long comment.
I had no complains about android so far, it's weird that you had that problem twice.
Genex Love is a great game. I just want to play it on Android when I am on trips.
The reason I even have two phones was in two parts, I needed to get a new one to keep up with the times, and I thought getting a phone with more memory and whatever else would make it easier to play these types of games. This is only recently been a problem, so I honestly don't know if the game and my phones specifically don't get along or if there is something off with the Android version.
"Last time I checked, it worked well on my Galaxy S9 (a 6-year-old phone; yeah, I take care of my phone, and getting a new one is expensive down here). Most players shouldn't have any problems playing the game. Many of them use 'Joiplay,' though I'm not familiar with how it performs. But yeah, most players won't have issues, so it's probably just your two unlucky phones."
Then pardon me when I say damn it all.
Still enjoy the game, hope things go well in your life and in development.